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The Film and the Process


Black Swan: The aesthetics of the film greatly inspired the aesthetics of Icarus.



The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender: The surrealist tone and use of magical realism was also a big inspiration.

Original Script

Allison Koopman wrote this script. The script went through many rewrites, the strangeness and surrealism varying until the version that we felt would be the most interesting, but that we would still be able to with the equipment and budget we had. Here is the final version that we used while filming. 


Keren Wang is responsible for the storyboard, coming up with the first images and ideas for what the film would eventually look like. 

The Process:

Filming had its ups and downs. Right from the start we wanted to hire someone to be our main character so that both of us could stay behind the camera as muc as possible. As well, we wanted someone who could dance to play our main character in order to ensure the transformation scenes in the studio were as aethetically pleasing as possible. As well, neither of us were necessarily comfortable with performing, so Sarah Burtch was the perfect person to play the lead. At first, it was difficult scheduling; all three of use were very busy people. Booking the studio had it's trials as well, and last minute cancellelations created some stress. But in the end, all the scenes were filmed on time, and we were able to start the editing process.Editing was tedious, long and often frustrating. One awkward scene we spent almost an hour and a half on, and one measly one second of footage refused to be erased, and kept popping up where it did not belong. When we finally added the soundtrack, that is when Icarus really came together for us. In the end, all the time and frustration was worth it. We hope you enjoy our film.


-Allison and Keren  



A film by

Allison Koopman

Keren Wang 

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